The proffesionals and patient´s associations offer quality support to specialists, patients and relatives. Their function is to act as a reference point when coming to accessing information on specific topics. Thanks to them, people who receive a diagnosis find a place of trust to better understand what is happening to them, what are the steps they must follow and the best way to redirect their day to day.

The digitization has added a new dimension to this type of organizations. Due to technological solutions it is now possible to easily manage contact with suscribers, members and donors. Also important to connect platforms from which to broadcast all kinds of online or hybrid events, a very useful function for members of these type of entities. In this sense, iXiam has extensive experience in implementing these tools through highly complex international projects. Keep reading on to learn more about one of our success stories: the collaboration between iXiam and the American Diabetes Association (ADA)
What type of solutions does iXiam provides to ADA?

Our collaboration with the ADA is an example that the alliance between technological specialists and medical societies is the best formula to revalue their actions: manage the contacts and coomunications with users and members. To have all the data in one tool make the organizations much more officient.
The American Diabetes Association is a non profit American organization founded to raise awareness about a disease that affects more than 500 million people in the world. At the same time, they carry out all type of activities to prevent and treat the different types of diabetes, and serves as a link for professionals specialized in the field.
Technology is essential to all steps of this partnership, so it is truly important to have a portal where diabetes experts can communicate, learn and stay up-to-date on the latest research, share events and news. In the case of the ADA, this connection platform between specialists is DiabetesPro, a portal designed, created and developed by iXiam, which continues to be maintained as you read this article.
At DiabetesPro users, members and partners may find a wide variety of resources. From updated medical data on the disease, scientific research, directories of programs and specialists, grants to apply, studies or continous training. A wide range of possibilities of registering for international conferences. All this in the same space and in a simple and intuitive way for the user.
How did we developed a portal with such functions? On the one hand, the construction and maintenance of the page were based on free software solutions (open source), as that kind of technology allows continuous intervention and optimization of processes. Specifically, iXiam utilize Drupal, the ideal CMS for Third Sector organizations. On the other hand, the management of the directory of professionals is carried out from CiviCRM, we are talking about a CRM specialized in entities that seek social good.
Furthermore, the collaboration between iXiam and the ADA goes beyond the implementation and maintenance of DiabetesPro. During its annual scientific session, we took care of recording, producing and publishing more than 1000 presentations. In addition, we have set up another revenue channel for society with a payment system to access content (pay per view platform). The possibility of working with platforms for hybrid and virtual events is another key to the success of this alliance.
Services that will allow your organization to manage highly complex international tasks
Relying on professionals like iXiam has, with exhaustive knowledge of the most advanced platforms and with years of experience are two essential aspects for managing large projects anywhere in the world. For this reason, at iXiam we work with people spread all over the planet, which allows us to offer services in English, Italian or French, Spanish, Catalan among other languages.
In this way, medical and patient associations have at their disposal a multitude of services that optimize the relationship between contacts and integrate multiple resources, which benefits all their users. They mainly stand out:
– Implementation of professional portals. Design, programming and maintenance using specialized tools. The pages have a 100% responsive design and allow you to import resources to integrate them into the portal, among other advantages.
– Recording and production of webcasts of the congresses. Either from the material sent by the organizations or with the live and on-site recording, it is possible to integrate the presentations or conferences in such a way that the slides or the audio are perfectly aligned. They can be incorporated into the event’s or organization’s own website and, even, grant access to the diffusion through a payment system. Our team has carried out projects in more than 30 countries around the world.
– Services for any type of hybrid events. Creation, development and maintenance of specific pages of an event. Specifically, for those where the information, registration forms or online payment are integrated, for example. You can also add the sending of informative emails, thanks or reminders.
– Partner management. The interaction and engagement of member´s actions will be significantly improved, making CiviCRM the CRM of the organization. Among other possibilities, it allows registering or renewing memberships, as well as sending segmented newsletters.
Thanks to the technological tools with which we work, you will be able to have integrated solutions in a single portal, optimize communications with contacts and improve the dissemination and reach of your medical organization’s presentations.
Our success story with an international entity of the dimension and prestige of the American Diabetes Association endorses us. If you want more information, fill out our contact form and, together, we will choose the solution that best suits your requirements.